

PYD Security Releasing ISIS Prisoners In Syria In Exchange For Money

Sources from the infamous al-Hol camp in Northeast Syria confirm that the Kurdish forces are releasing ISIS terrorists in return for money. Local Aramean Christians condemn this form of corruption, which also threatens the security and stability of this volatile region.

The US-led coalition worked with the “Syrian Democratic Forces” (SDF) to destroy ISIS in Syria. After this defeat, many captives were held in camps such as the al-Hol camp, which is under the control of the Kurdish PYD/YPG/security forces, who rebranded themselves in 2015 into the SDF upon the request of a senior US general to disguise its interconnected relationship with the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) that is listed as a terrorist organization by the EU and the USA.

 WCA PR PYD Security Releases ISIS prisoners in NE Syria 090720

Women walking through the secured al-Hol Camp in Hasakah province, NE Syria 
April 1, 2019 (Reuters)

Since thousands of women and children of ISIS fighters are being kept at al-Hol, it is notoriously called ‘the most dangerous camp in the world’. Its most famous section is where foreign (read: from outside of Syria) ISIS families are guarded, but nearly 85% of al-Hol’s sections consist of Iraqi and Syrian nationals, many of whom appear to have been part of ISIS.

The World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”) has sources who work in this camp and who are kept anonymous to protect their safety. They have learned that the Syrian ISIS prisoners there are freed for at least $1,800 per person, whereas the foreign ones pay $10,000 and more; note that in this region one can sustain an average family with approximately $200 per month.

The common but unscrutinized view, publicized in interviews and articles, is that ISIS detainees have been able to escape unnoticed due to a lack of (human) resources on the part of the Kurds. However, WCA’s sources inside the camp rule out any form of undetected breakout without the prior knowledge and consent of the Kurdish security forces.

One source says: “The tight security measures and surveillance cameras ensure that an escape is impossible. The escapees we know of were permitted to run away; their empty tents were carried away in front of our eyes by the guards the mornings after the escapes. This is also confirmed by their neighbors. In fact, the way out of the camp is well-known to everyone here.”

A colleague adds: “We know of many prisoners who got out because Arab tribes had vouched for them. However, these cases are different. This is outright corruption and, as victims of ISIS, we are utterly disgusted by these corrupt dealings. It is blood money that is earned to keep the ISIS threat alive. This way, the Kurds can pressure Western states, who refuse the repatriation of their detained nationals, and obtain even more support from the international community.”

Yet another source wonders: “If ISIS poses a serious threat, as the Kurds rightly claim, then why do they free many hundreds of its fighters, wives and children? Doesn’t this constitute a security risk when these traumatized terrorists with a mission to kill can travel freely in Syria, go to neighboring states or reach those Western countries who have supported the Kurds?”

WCA questions this odd lack of transparency. Are all escapees known, registered and tracked? Why are ISIS detainees allowed to ‘escape’ without regard for justice for the victims; for de-radicalization and reintegration into society; and for the high risk of carrying on ISIS’s flag and its toxic ideology, enabling them to rebuild ISIS and stage attacks inside or outside of Syria?

The fact that the Kurdish PYD/YPG/security forces have negotiated “secret deals” with ISIS was confirmed by the BBC. In 2015, the Kurds provoked ISIS to attack Christian villages such as Tel Goran on the Khabur River with the aim to liberate these villages from ISIS, then annex and occupy them. It is also well-known among Aramean Christians that the violent and communist PYD/YPG, with its divide-and-rule tactics, have been paying a tiny group of Aramean puppets to promote their romanticized and misleading narrative of a democratic society in Rojava “Western (Kurdistan).” For instance, more than 90% of the “Syriac Military Council” (MFS), being the counterpart of the YPG Kurds, consists of non-Christian Arabs and former ISIS fighters who have been recruited by the PYD/YPG Kurds, who ultimately are controlling the MFS.


Download the Press Release here.  



The Arameans are native to Syria, Southeast Turkey, Iraq and Lebanon. The documented history of this forgotten Semitic people and their Aramaic language goes back to more than 3,000 years. In 2011, Syria’s Christians still numbered 8 to 10% of the 21 million total population. Today, however, in less than a decade, they represent no more than 3 to 5% of the total population of 17 million.

Unfounded statements appearing sometimes in the media mention the number of 100,000 to 150,000 Christians in Northeast Syria. In reality, however, there are no more than 50,000 Christians left in this region. Virtually all of them had left the area between 2011 and early 2019. Either because of the death and destruction caused by Jihadist groups such as Jabhat al-Nusra and ISIS whose aim was the establishment of a Caliphate in which the state should be governed under sharia or as a result of the self-declared tyrannical rule of the PYD/YPG (PKK) Kurds whose stated goal was the creation of an independent Kurdish statelet called Kurdistan, which should be administrated by authoritarian Marxist-Leninist or communist principles.













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