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SUA meeting with PwC in Amsterdam, Netherlands

On Tuesday, 8 March 2011, the President (Johny Messo from the Netherlands) and the Chief Financial Officer (Daniel Aksan from London, UK) of the Syriac Universal Alliance have a meeting with PwC at their office in Amsterdam to discuss, among others, the tax position of SUA with Mr. Milo Hartendorf and Ms. Lilian Kulhan (Challma) of PwC. 

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SUA in Strasbourg, France, at the Council of Europe (24-25 January 2011)

On Monday 24 and Tuesday 25 January 2011, Turkey’s Foreign Minister and President, respectively, will address the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). During these days, a SUA Delegation will be the guest of the Dutch MP and Member of the PACE, Dr. Pieter Omtzigt. 

Lecture in Berlin 151010

Lecture SUA in Berlin, Germany

On Friday the 15th of January 2010 the SUA attended this event as a guest speaker hosted by the Aramean Academics of Berlin in Berlin, Germany.

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Meeting on Land Issues in Tur-Abdin in Giessen, Germany

The Syriac Universal Alliance (“SUA”) invites you and all related associations of the Aramean villages of Southeast Turkey to an SUA meeting in order to discuss the illegal land expropriation in Tur-Abdin.

SUA in Oldenzaal, the Netherlands (22-01-2011)

SUA has been invited to the New Year's Reception of the Aramaic association in Oldenzaal, the Netherlands, known in Dutch as the Suryoye Aramese Vereniging Oldenzaal.

Address: Thijlaan 20, postcode 7576 ZB. No flyer available.

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´The First Aramean Congress´

We hereby invite you for The First Aramean Congress on Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 October 2011 that will be held in the Aramean House, that is, the Suryoyo Sat Studio in Gütersloh, Germany.


Lecture in Holland: SUA & Council of Europe

On Sunday 27 February 2011, the Syriac Aramaic Federation of Holland will organize two (2) lectures in the Syriac Orthodox St. Mary Church in Hengelo, the Netherlands. The invited guest speakers are:

Meeting of Aramean academics in Berlin

On January 15th, 2010, the Syriac Universal Alliance and the Foundation for protection and promotion of the cultural Aramean heritage and will host a meeting for Academics with Aramean roots from the Berlin area. 

The meeting will be held in berliner Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus. The speakers are Johny Messo from Hegelo, Netherlands and Simon Can from Berlin.

SUA in Paderborn (29-01-2011) and Delmenhorst (30-01-2011), Germany

On Saturday, 29 January 2011 (Paderborn) and Sunday, 30 January 2011 (Delmenhorst) the SUA attended this event as a guest speaker. 



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