Written Statement: Human Rights Council, 15th Session - Item 6: Consideration of the UPR report on Turkey
Written Statement by the Syriac Universal Alliance: Human Rights Related Comments on Turkey’s UPR Report by the Christian Aramean (Syriac) Indigenous People of Turkey
The Christian Aramean (otherwise known as Syriac) people have a history of more than 3,000 years within the confines of the Republic of Turkey. But unlike the Armenians, Greeks, Jews and Bulgarians, the Turkish State continues to deny their legal status and concomitant basic human rights.

Oral Statement: Human Rights Council, 18th Session - Agenda Item 4
The “Arab Spring” vis-à-vis Freedom, Democracy and Equality: What of Springtime for the Indigenous Peoples of the Near East?
The Syriac Universal Alliance wants to draw the attention of the Human Rights Council to the worsening situation of the already decimated native Aramean (otherwise known as Syriac) people of Turkey, Syria and Iraq.

Speech: Problems, Challenges and Opportunities (March 2012)
Problems, Challenges and Opportunities: Urgent Appeal to the EU and Turkey on behalf of the Aramean People
by Johny Messo
President of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (WCA)
formerly Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA)

Oral Statement: Human Rights Council, 15th Session - Item 6: Consideration of the UPR report on Turkey
Oral Statement by the Syriac Universal Alliance: Human Rights Related Comments on Turkey’s UPR Report by the Christian Aramean (Syriac) Indigenous People of Turkey
Thank you, Mr. President.
Your Excellency,
Distinguished Delegates,
The Syriac Universal Alliance represents the indigenous Aramean (also known as Syriac) people of Turkey.
We are thankful to the Human Rights Council and Mr. President for giving marginalized people like the Arameans a voice at this significant interactive dialogue.

Oral Statement: Human Rights Council, 18th Session - Agenda item 5
Minority Rights in Turkey, Iraq and Syria: The Aramean (Syriac) People and their Appeal to the UN
The Syriac Universal Alliance wants to draw the attention of the Council to the precarious situation of the indigenous Aramean (or Syriac) people of Turkey, Iraq and Syria.

Speech: The Sincerity of Turkey’s Democracy? (November 2010)
The Sincerity of Turkey’s Democracy? The Case of the Indigenous Aramean (Syriac) People
By Johny Messo, President of the Syriac Universal Alliance
Distinguished Eminences and Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,
Written Statement - Human Rights Council. Item 3 and 5: Indigenous Peoples
Written Statement by the Syriac Universal Alliance on the theme of: Unrecognized Indigenous Peoples: The Case of the Aramean (Syriac) People of Turkey
The Republic of Turkey continues to withhold legal status and its concomitant basic rights to the Aramean people which are given them by the Lausanne Treaty signed by Turkey in 1923. By contrast, this republic validates its own existence by reference to this very same treaty. Turkey also fails to grant the Arameans recognition as an indigenous people, even if it has endorsed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in 2007 and unequivocal sources prove their continuous presence in Southeast-Turkey from about 1112 BC onward. The widely praised recent package reforms in this country did not change the 87-year-old violations of their fundamental human rights by successive governments either.

SUA at 54th. Session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND)
SUA Contributes to Global Drug Policy Development at the United Nations
March 28, 2011— The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA) United Nations NGO Main Representative in Vienna, Robert Aksan, participated at the 54th session of the CND in Vienna, Austria, from March 21–25, 2011.

Turkey, EU and the Arameans of Southeast Turkey - 28th March 2012 EP, Brussels
Turkey, EU and the Arameans of Southeast Turkey
28th March 2012, Room A5G2, EU Parliament, Brussels
Hosted by Peter Van DALEN MEP(ECR) and Renate SOMMER MEP(EPP) in cooperation with the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)