Documentary screening: The Wait
On Wednesday 28 March 2018, a special screening of the documentary The Wait will be organised in London. The documentary, by Susie Attwood, follows several Aramean families from Syria, who have found temporary refuge at the Syriac Orthodox Saint Gabriel Monastery in Beirut, Lebanon. Many of these refugees are awaiting visa approvals for, what they hope, will be a chance at a better life in the West.

WE WILL NOT REST UNTIL YOU ARE BACK HOME! (abducted on Monday 22 April 2013)
Over one year ago, on 22 April 2013, the Syriac Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, H.E. Gregorius Hanna Ibrahim, and H.E. Boulos al-Yazigi, the Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo and Iskenderun, were abducted by a rebel group near the Turkish-Syrian border. Their car was intercepted and the Aramean driver was shot dead, during or after the attack.

Sponsorship Packages: Package Names and Benefits
Celebrate our 40th anniversary with us and be a crucial part of our mission! Your support helps shape the future of the Aramean people. Explore and choose one of our sponsorship packages, showing their significance and amounts, in:
Feiere unser 40-jähriges Jubiläum mit uns und sei ein entscheidender Teil unserer Mission! Deine Unterstützung hilft dabei, die Zukunft des aramäischen Volkes zu gestalten. Entdecke und wähle eines unserer Sponsor-Pakete, die ihre Bedeutung und Beträge zeigen:
Fira vårt 40-årsjubileum med oss och bli en avgörande del av vår mission! Ditt stöd hjälper till att forma framtiden för det syrianska (arameiska) folket. Upptäck och välj ett av våra sponsringspaket, som visar deras betydelse och belopp:
Vier ons 40-jarig jubileum met ons en wees een cruciaal onderdeel van onze missie! Jouw steun helpt bij het vormgeven van de toekomst van het Aramese volk. Ontdek en kies een van onze sponsorpakketten, die hun betekenis en bedragen tonen:
Célébrez notre 40e anniversaire avec nous et faites partie intégrante de notre mission! Votre soutien contribue à façonner l'avenir du peuple araméen. Découvrez et choisissez l'un de nos packages de parrainage, montrant leur signification et leur montant :
Festeggia con noi il nostro 40° anniversario e diventa una parte fondamentale della nostra missione! Il tuo supporto contribuisce a plasmare il futuro del popolo aramaico. Scopri e scegli uno dei nostri pacchetti di sponsorizzazione, mostrando il loro significato e importo:
40. yıldönümümüzü bizimle kutlayın ve misyonumuzun önemli bir parçası olun! Desteğiniz, Süryanice (Aramice) halkının geleceğini şekillendirmeye yardımcı olur. Sponsorluk paketlerimizden birini keşfedin ve seçin, anlamlarını ve miktarlarını gösterin:

Genocide of religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East perpetrated by ISIS: Music as the Bridge to Peace
ADF International and the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”) are inviting you for a side event on Thursday, 17 March 2016, at the United Nations Office in Geneva that aims at raising awareness about the threat of extinction of ethnic and religious minorities in Iraq and Syria, including Yezidis and Aramean Christians, who are victims of genocide.
Genocide constitutes the most horrific of human rights violations, leading to the total or partial destruction of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group. The European Parliament already reacted and approved a resolution on 4 February 2016, condemning the ongoing atrocities in the aforementioned countries and recognizing them as genocide.
The investigations, reports and conclusions from the Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion and other efforts are also important steps. Resolutions by the Human Rights Council and the Security Council recognizing the acts committed by ISIS as genocide are of urgent importance in order to end the violence. Therefore, your participation and support would be greatly appreciated.
• Ms. Mariela Shaker, Syrian Refugee and professional classical violinist
• Ms. Jacqueline Isaac, Lawyer, Vice President of Roads of Success
• Mr. Johny Messo, President, World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
Conclusion and Geneva Declaration on Genocide of Religious and Ethnic Minorities:
• Mr. Rubén Navarro, Senior UN Counsel, ADF International
In addition, Ms. Mariela Shaker will give a 15-minute violin concert. Ms. Shaker is an Aramean Christian refugee from Aleppo, Syria, who was named a “Champion of Change” by President Barack Obama and honored at the White House on World Refugee Day last year. A DePaul University graduate student working toward a master’s degree in musical performance, she also is the WCA Ambassador of Peace, using the power of music to highlight the plight of refugees from her homeland and to provide inspiring ways to healing and reconciliation in Syria.
Ms. Mariela Shaker (center)
RSVP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 15 March, if you do not have an entry badge to the UN.
Refreshments will be provided. French interpretation will be available.
Click here to download the Press Release in PDF
Statement on Syria to Foreign Affairs Commission in The Netherlands (VIDEO)
While the world watches over Syria’s future, its oldest indigenous peoples, the Arameans, faces silent extinction. As the heirs of a 3,000-year-old civilization and the first Christian communities, they are being erased from their ancestral homeland. On 5 March 2025, WCA President Johny Messo urged the Dutch Parliament to take action before it is too late. Will The Netherlands and Europe stand by as history disappears?
Events Update: Ehwo Party Cancelled, Midyat Party Continues as Scheduled
We are truly saddened to announce the cancellation of our WCA Youth Party tomorrow evening, August 16th, in the village of Ehwo (Güzelsu). Recently, the Mardin Governorship declared a security operation in this region (Turizlo). Ehwo is one of nine villages that is part of the “Temporary Special Security Zone” until this Friday, August 18th.

Click here to download the Press Release in PDF
Tomorrow, on 8 May 2014, a historic conference will take place in Geneva, Switzerland, where seven senior religious and secular leaders from Syria’s largest Christian churches will speak in a unified voice on the situation in their homeland, which is the cradle of civilization and Christianity. In addition, significant meetings at the United Nations are scheduled for Friday.
Tomorrow’s conference, titled “Christians in Syria: The Challenge of Speaking with One Voice,” will start at 8 pm at the Espace Fusterie (18, Place de la Fusterie) in Geneva and is open to the public.

Syria Conference 2025: Uniting Arameans for the New Syria
We invite organizations and intellectuals among our people to the Syria Conference 2025: New Opportunity for Unity. This crucial gathering aims to establish a united position on the new Syria. Join us on 25 January 2025 in Gießen, Germany, to collaborate on addressing shared challenges and strengthening our collective representation.
Key Topics:
- Voices from Syria: Hear firsthand accounts of current challenges and future prospects.
- Strategic Discussions: Develop a unified vision for representation and constitutional matters.
- Engaging Panels: Focus on political representation, advocacy, and enhancing church-community cooperation.
We also encourage organizations, churches, and experts on Syria or the Middle East among our people to sign up for a 1-minute oral statement to share their vision and strategies for our people in Syria. Due to time constraints, only 30 speakers will be granted the floor. If you wish to speak, please fill out this registration form.
Venue: St. Afrem & St. Theodoros Church, Steinberger Weg 10, 35394 Gießen
Time: 09:30 - 17:00 hours
Fee: €40 (advance payment) or €50 at the door (includes lunch, snacks & drinks)
Advance Payment Details:
To secure your spot and benefit from the reduced fee of €40, please transfer the amount before the registration deadline on 20 January 2025. Use "Conference - [your NAME & LAST NAME]" as the payment description.
Pay via PayPal: (click here!)
Bank Transfer:
- Name: World Council of Arameans
- IBAN: NL71 RABO 0396 7306 20
- Branch: Enschede-Haaksbergen, Netherlands
Register by 20 January 2025: (click here!)
This is a vital opportunity for Arameans to unite and shape a shared vision for their ancestral homeland Syria.
Support Turabdin by Attending and Enjoying WCA's Open Air Parties
Get ready to dance under the stars of Turabdin in Southeast Türkiye at the picturesque village of Ehwo and the plaza of the enchanting Turabdin Hotel in Midyat. Let the vibrant Aramaic melodies fill the night as we come together to celebrate our ancient Aramean cultural heritage!