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TurAbdin: A Journey Home 5.0

Be part of the 50 Arameans who will enjoy a unique spiritual and cultural journey to Turabdin in Southeast Türkiye from 11-18 April 2023! By experiencing Passion Week and celebrating Pascha/Resurrection Sunday/Easter in this ancient Aramean Christian region in Aramaic, the mother language of Jesus, you will create amazing and unforgettable memories.

New WCA Project in Tur-Abdin - Sustaining the Aramean Village School of DeirQubbe

Only two Aramean families remain in DeirQubbe. They are struggling to preserve their village because neighboring Kurds are trying to chase them away and seize their lands. They deserve our full support in this concerning matter and in educating its children to be educated in their Aramaic mother tongue.

Preserve your Aramean identity and learn more about it in 7 STEPS

More and more Arameans find it difficult to preserve their Aramean identity. Therefore, WCA's Aramaic Language and Cultural Heritage Department (ALCHD) has initiated projects such as the Tur-Abdin Aramaic Online Conversational Course and the Tur-Abdin Aramaic Language Committee (TALC) that focuses on reassessing existing words and on introducing new ones in this millennia-old Aramaic dialect. There is more to come, but below we are suggesting 7 steps in 9 languages that help to safeguard and empower your (children's) Aramean identity. 

WCA Christmas Week 2022

Building on last year's initiative, the WCA Christmas Week 2022 was a great success. The WCA, its Federations and Suryoyo Sat raised €74.500 as Christmas gifts for Arameans in the homeland. About 400 children from Qamishli in Northeast Syria and 709 children from Turabdin in Southeast Türkiye received shoes, sweaters, trousers, etc.: the places are Adiyaman, Diyarbakir, Mardin, Midyat, Bsorino, Sare (Gawayto), Mzizah, Iwardo, Midin, Beth Zabday (Azekh), Arkah (Harabale), Hah, Bekusyone (Beth Kustan), DeirQubbe, Kfarze, Gündike (Qritho di 'Ito), Marbobo, Birguriya, Nsibin. 

WCA Solar Energy Project Maskanah - second report

VIDEO | The following video gives an update about WCA's Solar Energy Project in Maskanah near the city of Homs in Syria. 75 big solar panels have been purchased and will be used to irrigate 400,000 m2 of agricultural land that will produce almonds, grapes, olives and more.

NEW - Tur-Abdin Aramaic Online Conversational Course

Do you want to learn or improve your vocabulary and knowledge of Tur-Abdin Aramaic? Then register for our FREE weekly conversational course! Native speakers will assist you if you want to learn how to pronounce certain words or how to express certain phrases in the Aramaic dialect of Tur-Abdin!

BACK TO THE ROOTS TRIP: TUR-ABDIN. Connecting Young Diaspora Arameans to their Homeland

WCA and its Youth Academy are inviting 25 young Arameans from Europe, whose (grand)parents were born in Tur-Abdin, to apply for an ALL-INCLUSIVE 9-day tour in this ancient Aramean region in Southeast Türkiye: from 5-13 November 2022!

WCA Christmas Week 2021

This year, WCA has introduced the WCA Christmas Week 2021. Joined by WCA's partners, namely its Member Federations and Suryoyo Sat, each year during Christmas WCA and its partners will send Christmas gifts to Arameans in the homeland. This year, more than 500 Aramean children have enjoyed beautiful presents: from Qamishli in Northeast Syria to various towns and villages in the Tur-Abdin region in Southeast Turkey (Arkah, Beth Qustan/Boqusyone, Bsorino, Midin Hah, Deir Qubbe, Kfarze and Midyat). At the same time, WCA has sent personal gifts to the homes of its distinguished members and sponsors. Below are impressions from the WCA Christmas Week 2021.

WCA Solar Energy Project Maskanah - initial report

VIDEO | WCA is delighted to announce a NEW Solar Energy Project in Maskanah near the city of Homs in Syria! 75 big solar panels have been purchased and will be used to irrigate 400,000 m2 of agricultural land that will produce almonds, grapes, olives and more.



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