Letter to Greek Ambassador in New York regarding Syrian Refugees in Athens (11 March 2013)
To the Permanent Mission of Greece to the United Nations in New York City
Ambassador H.E. Anastassis Mitsialis
Monday, 11 March 2013
Dear Mr. Ambassador Mitsialis,
We refer to the meeting on 4 March 2013 of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”) in New York City with the First Counselor Mr. Venizelos and the Second Secretary Mr. Dimitris Felopoulos. We primarily discussed issues pertaining the Syrian crisis, in particular that of the Aramean (Syriac) Christian refugees from Syria who have arrived in Greece.
Congratulations on Electing new Board Federation of Arameans in Switzerland
To the Honorable Board of the Federation of Arameans in Switzerland,
Dear Friends,
The Board of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) and its Member Federations have the honor and pleasure to congratulate you upon your election as distinguished Members of the new Board of the Federation of the Arameans in Switzerland (FAS), again presided over by Mr. Melki Toprak.
WCA & FAB asks EU to Reconsider its Position on Syria
Middle East Division I - Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria
European Union
European External Action Service
Office: EEAS/PARC - 2/268
9A Rond Point Schuman,
B-1046 Brussels
Dear Sir/Madam,
We thank you for the meeting with the Fédération des Araméens (Syriaques) de Belgique (“FAB”) in Brussels on 28 November 2012.
Congratulations on Electing new Board Syriac Federation of Sweden
To the Honorable Board of the Syriac Federation of Sweden,
Dear Friends,
The Board of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) and all its Member Federations have the honor and pleasure to congratulate each of you wholeheartedly upon your election as distinguished Members of the new Board of the Syriac Federation of Sweden (SRF), presided over by Mr. Kenan Anter.