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Aims & Mission

During the 1st International Aramean Young Leadership Training Programme (2011) at the EYC in Strasbourg (France), the participants shared their expectations and goals for the Academy. It was they who greatly contributed to the draft of the aims and the mission statement of the WCA YA.


The aims of the WCA Youth Academy are:

  • to build a solid socio-political and cultural infrastructure for the Aramean youth in the Diaspora;
  • to connect with the youth and make them aware of the importance of the WCA’s mission and activities;
  • to promote the United Nations, Council of Europe and European Union values, charters, conventions, resolutions, treaties and values, particularly if they apply to the Arameans;
  • to find talented young leaders with the intention of training, preparing and guiding them as the next generation of leaders in the local, national and international organisations of the Aramean people.


“The WCA Youth Academy is committed to educate the Aramean youth about its identity and equip them with modern leadership skills, within the framework of the core values and charters of the United Nations, the European Union and the Council of Europe, in order to prepare them as the envisioned Aramean leaders of the future.”





International WCA Youth Academy Study Session: The Aramean Identity (17-19 February 2017)

From 17-19 February, the WCA Youth Academy will hold its first study session of 2017! This year we will kick off a study session in the Aramaic language on “The Aramean Identity” at Platform Aram in Enschede, The Netherlands.

The event gives 30 young Arameans from Europe the unique opportunity to learn more about their identity. Over the years, the WCA Youth Academy has generated great interest among the youth and many of our participants are now active in various Aramean organisations.

The event will be held over the weekend and offers each day different sessions, consisting of interactive lectures, workshops and guest appearances by inspiring speakers. If you will be among the selected participants, you can ask whatever you have always wanted to ask about the Aramean identity and interact with all the attendees. Additionally, on Saturday evening the participants can enjoy a special Aramaic party.

Date: Friday 17 February 2017 (19:00h) until Sunday 19 February 2017 (17:00h)
Location: Platform Aram (Vlierstraat 93), Enschede, The Netherlands

The criteria for participants of the study session are as follows:

Age: 18-30 years
Enrolment fee: € 15 per participant, to be paid at arrival
Participation: Prior registration is necessary for participation. You can sign up until Sunday 11 February 2017 by emailing us your details and why you want to participate to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .



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Aramean (Syriac) Federation of Switzerland


La Federazione degli Aramei (Siriaci) in Svizzera (FAS) è un'associazione apolitica secondo gli art. 60 e segg. CC fondata nel 1996 a Zugo e rappresenta tutti gli aramei risiedenti sul suolo svizzero.

La FAS si occupa e difende gli interessi culturali (lingua, storia,…), sociali e politici degli Aramei e, indirettamente, li rappresenta. I principali obbiettivi del lavoro della FAS si orientano verso la facilitazione dell’integrazione degli Aramei in Svizzera nell’ambito socio-politico ed economico e allo stesso tempo alla salvaguardia della ricca cultura aramaica.

Per questa ragione, grazie al suo costante e duraturo lavoro, la FAS ha teso e solidificato relazioni con rappresentanti ufficiali sia del Governo Svizzero, sia del Governo Italiano. Questo consente un dialogo diplomatico, che cerca di sensibilizzare le autorità istituzionali, ai fini di ottenere un beneficio umanitario, per la minoranza cristiana aramea perseguitata in Medio Oriente.

La FAS è la voce del popolo arameo sul suolo svizzero a livello nazionale, e sin dalla sua fondazione è in stretta collaborazione con la Diocesi della Chiesa Siro Ortodossa della Svizzera e tutte le autorità religiose presenti in Svizzera.

Le guerre recenti e attuali in Medio Oriente colpiscono inevitabilmente la minoranza aramea cristiana, portando con sé migliaia di sfollati e vittime: questa gente necessita di un sostegno umanitario (finanziario , morale e sociale), e in questo la FAS si è spesso dimostrata all’altezza, mostrando solidarietà, in particolar modo per i rifugiati aramei dalla Siria e dall’Iraq.

Il Consiglio Mondiale degli Aramei WCA, a cui tutte le federazioni come la FAS appartengono, regola e struttura l’integrità del sistema fra la WCA stessa e le sue federazioni membro. Di fatto molte attività umanitarie, politiche e di altro tipo sono svolte in collaborazione con vari comitati e delegazioni.

Melki Toprak
Presidente Federazione degli Aramei in Svizzera


Post address: Casella postale 1029 CH-6600 Locarno

Tel: 0041-792 401 206

Website: http://www.fas-ev.ch   

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   

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Call to the Aramean Youth Worldwide (letter and video)

On 10 March 2021, the WCA President Johny Messo wrote this open letter to the Aramean Youth worldwide. The following day, WCA published the video message below by Johny (in Aramaic with English subtitles), addressing the younger generation. 

Germany meets Sweden! Study session in August

The long awaited WCA Youth Academy study session is here! This is your opportunity to get to know other proud Arameans in Sweden and learn more about leadership. For more information, head over to our event page on Facebook to learn more about the study session in Sweden from 18-22 August 2016.

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The Academy

The WCA Youth Academy (“WCA YA”) is the arm of the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”) that is responsible for educating and connecting with the Aramean (Syriac) youth worldwide.

The WCA YA aims to inform the Aramean youth about the relevance of the mission and activities of the WCA. The ultimate goal is to find talented young leaders with the intention of educating, preparing and guiding them as the next generation of leaders in the local, national and international organisations of the Aramean people worldwide.

Flyer Save the Date Israel 4 2018

SAVE THE DATE: Aram Goes to the Holy Land

WCA, its Member Federations and Aram Tours invite you to this unforgettable trip! From 25 September till 5 October, we offer 50 Arameans the exclusive opportunity to join us on a 10-day spiritual and cultural journey to the land of the Bible.

Upcoming Events

Soon you will hear more about WCA YA's upcoming events…



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