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Call to the Aramean Youth Worldwide (letter and video)

On 10 March 2021, the WCA President Johny Messo wrote this open letter to the Aramean Youth worldwide. The following day, WCA published the video message below by Johny (in Aramaic with English subtitles), addressing the younger generation. 

Dear beloved friends,

The World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) recognizes that our precious youth is an intellectual powerhouse and a beacon of hope for the revival of our injured, homeless and dispersed nation.

Are you full of energy and great ideas? Do you feel that the older generations are not listening to you, nor supporting your ideas? Then do not miss this opportunity to make your voice heard!

  1. If you are between 15-25 years, we invite you to our first exclusive online WCA Youth Academy session to exchange ideas with fellow patriots on 28 March, 13:00-14:30 hrs.
  2. Register yourself before 21 March, by emailing your first and last name, your country of residence, and state in a few lines why you want to join us: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
  3. During this first session, you can choose to communicate your ideas in your language: Aramaic, English, German, Swedish, Dutch, Italian, French, Arabic and Turkish!
  4. On 24 March, those registered will receive the agenda of our first session and an exclusive link to access the platform.

I assure you that WCA invests as much as it can in the Aramean youth. Since we founded the WCA Youth Academy in 2011, we try our best to share our diverse experience, knowledge and skills with the young generations. It is, in fact, our profound wish to see you become:

  • model parents who teach their children the Aramaic language, identity and values;
  • self-aware and proud Arameans actively involved in the neglected questions of our people;
  • tomorrow’s leaders who lead, inspire and bring our people back to their homeland, Aram.

If you agree that you are the future of our people, especially tomorrow’s parents and leaders, then it is in your best interest to join WCA’s Youth Academy. Together, we can organize all the activities and projects which you think are much needed for our people. Only if we, together, start sowing today, will we and our children reap the benefits in the coming years and decades!

We look forward to receiving your registrations, including motivations and ideas.

Yours respectfully,

Johny Messo
World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)

Call to the Aramean Youth Worldwide


Click here or on the image below to watch and listen to this video message!

Video Message JM Call to the Aramean Youth Worldwide



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