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History WCA/SUA

Since the dispersion of the Aramean (Syriac) people throughout the world, dynamic social, cultural and religious communities have been established in an effort to maintain and preserve the ancient Aramaic heritage, language and identity.

Contact WCA

Visitor's Address:
World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)
Geessinkweg 278
7544 RB Enschede
The Netherlands

WCA brings Kidnapping and Oppression of Arameans in Northeast Syria by PYD-YPG Kurds to attention of UN Commission on Syria

On 23 September 2021, WCA President Johny Messo informed the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria about the ongoing oppression and kidnapping by the PYD/YPG Kurds of a prominent Aramean member of the Church Board in Qamishli, Northeast Syria, earlier this week. During this 48th regular session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the below oral statement was presented (text and video) .

wca 30th anniversary

30th Anniversary WCA 1983-2013


30th ANNIVERSARY WCA – On 16 July 1983, this year precisely 30 years ago, the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (“WCA”), formerly called the “Syriac Universal Alliance” (cf. http://www.wca-ngo.org/about-us/name-change-sua-wca), was founded in New Jersey in the USA. Its visionary architects were the Syriac Federation of Sweden, the Aramaic American Association and the Syriac League in Beirut.

The WCA, which is an umbrella organization consisting of National Federations and Local Associations across Europe, the Middle East, Australia and the USA, is the leading organization of the Aramean (Syriac) people, especially through its key position as a United Nations NGO since 1999.

On 7 September, the WCA celebrated this monumental occasion LIVE on the Aramaic satellite channel Suryoyo Sat in Germany together with 100 members, friends and supporters. Unfortunately, the planned celebration on 20 September in Beirut has been cancelled. However, a big celebration, which will also be broadcast LIVE on Suryoyo Sat, will be held in Sweden in the next two months.


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Oral Statement: Human Rights Council - Item 5

Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, Ninth session. Item 7 – Future Work of the Permanent Forum, including issues of the Economic and Social Council and Emerging issues

New York, 19-30 April 2010

Arameans (Syriacs) as the Indigenous People of the Middle East:
Identity Endangered and Existence Denied in Turkey
Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen,

Shlomo 'al kulkhu! Greetings to all of you, as we say in our Aramaic mother tongue! We thank the Members of this Forum, including the Honourable Chairperson and the Rapporteur, for this most successful Indigenous Forum.

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WCA to International Community: "Condemn the actions of the PYD/YPG"

On Tuesday 17 September 2019, the WCA urged the International Community to condemn the actions of the Kurdish PYD/YPG. WCA's Director for UN Affairs, Ms. Sarah Bakir, delivered her statement in front of the Independent Commission of Inquiry on Syria during the 42nd Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.


Oral Statement: Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues - Item 3 of the provisional agenda

Discussion of the special theme for the year 
“Indigenous peoples: development with culture and identity:
articles 3 and 32 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Arameans as the Indigenous People of the Middle East:
Identity Endangered and Existence Denied in Turkey

Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen,
Shlomo ‘al kulkhu! Greetings to all of you, as we say in our Aramaic mother tongue! {jathumbnail off}

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WCA calls on UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria to Consider Underreported Aramean Issue in Next Report

On Tuesday 26 June 2018, WCA once again participated in the UN Human Rights Council session on Syria. WCA's Director for UN Affairs, Ms. Sarah Bakir, delivered the below statement (text and video), emphasizing underreported issues that require the Commission of Inquiry's attention.



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