

WCA Partners

Personal reasons to support SUA and its crucial work! What is your motivation to donate to SUA?

The exclusive creation of a SUA-team of PricewaterhouseCoopers [PwC] NL reviewed the VAT and corporate tax position of SUA. Other services provided to SUA include the audit of its balance sheets and income statements for 2008 and 2009, thereby helping SUA with a transparent financial administration.

In the contract with SUA,  dated 2 July 2010, PwC NL stated:

PricewaterhouseCoopers has a great deal of sympathy for the ideal backgrounds of SUA. Therefore we see our efforts for this project as part of our own social responsibility and will not charge any fees regarding this project" (p. 5 of the enclosed letter).


After his initiative to generously sponsor SUA events, restaurant owner Johannes Soner from Sweden noted in an email: "I am very proud of the work done by SUA. I have tracked its work for some time and I have realised just how much work is being done on our behalf. The struggle for human rights and property rights in countries like Iraq and Turkey is being fought on the front-line by SUA and we really need to support SUA so it achieves its objectives. As SUA fights for our people, I can help them financially. I myself don’t have the capacity to go to the United Nations, European Parliament and so on. But I do have the ability to give money to this great organisation and the wonderful people in the group. God bless them for everything they do!"


Syriac Network Sweden (SNS)

This interest group consists of the Syriac Federation (SRF), the Syriac Aramaic Youth Federation (SAUF), the Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of H.E. Mor Dioscoros Benyamin Atas, the Syriac Orthodox Youth Federation (SOKU) in Sweden; the first two organizations are maintaining the online magazine called Bahro.

The Syriac/Aramean Academic Association (SAAF), which has 12 local branches and a total of 1.600 members, is the largest academic association of the Aramean people in the world. "SAAF highly appreciates the strenuous efforts of the SUA as regards the human rights of the Aramean (Syriac) people in the world. In particular its work regarding the Mor Gabriel Monastery trials in Tur-Abdin in Southeast Turkey as well as on the precarious situation of the forgotten Christian Arameans in Iraq. SAAF is proud to be part of the professional umbrella organization that the SUA is by representing the Arameans globally in the highest political levels. Simultaneously, the SUA is a true inspiration and motivation for young academics who can see in the succesful work of the SUA that the Arameans also have much potential and are able to bring the Aramean national questions to the attention of the world leaders, parliaments, media and organizations."





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