

Ottoman Genocide Resolution by Swedish Parliament: Congratulations & Pledge of Cooperation


After its immediate press release on this subject, the Syriac Universal Alliance sent congratulatory letters to all the Swedish parliamentarians for their courageous decision to vote in favor of the Ottoman Genocide resolution on 11 March 2010. In particular to the four (4) Parliamentarians who defied party politics and withstood foreign intimidation as well as the three (3) Political Parties

that made the difference. Additionally, letters were sent to the Drafters and Co-signers of the motion and to the Members of the Swedish Committee on Foreign Affairs.

The letters can be downloaded via the links below and include two attachments with background information on the SUA and the forgotten Aramean (Syriac) Genocide. Among other things, the SUA writes:

Together with our member federation in Sweden (Syrianska Riksförbundet), which has over 20,000 registered members, we applaud you for championing truth and justice and, where pertinent, for withstanding party politics and foreign intimidation. Hence we pledge our full support to you and your colleagues in pressing forward with your mission to “work in the EU and the UN towards international recognition” of the Ottoman Genocide against the Armenians, Greeks and Arameans (religiously also known as Syriacs, Chaldeans and Assyrians/Nestorians).

The four (4) Parliamentarians who defied party politics and withstood foreign intimidation:

  1. Letter to Ms. Gulan Avci (Swedish MP, Liberal Party)
  2. Letter to Ms. Agneta Berliner (Swedish MP, Liberal Party)
  3. Letter to Ms. Annelie Enochson (Swedish MP, Christian Democrat)
  4. Letter to Mr. Göran Thingwall (Swedish MP, Formerly Moderate Party)

The three (3) Political Parties which defied party politics and withstood foreign intimidation:

  1. Letter to Mr. Lars Ohly (Swedish Party Chairman of the Left Party)
  2. Letter to Ms. Mona Sahlin (Swedish Party Leader of Social Democrats)
  3. Letter to Ms. Maria Wetterstrand and Mr. Peter Eriksson (Swedish Spokespersons of the Green Party)

The letters to the Drafters and Co-signers of the motion + the Members of the Swedish Committee on Foreign Affairs:

  1. Letter to the Honorable Parliamentarians of the Swedish Riksdag Drafters and Co-signers
  2. Letter to the Honorable Chairpersons and Members of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the Swedish Parliament






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