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WCA Solar Energy Project Maskanah - second report

VIDEO | The following video gives an update about WCA's Solar Energy Project in Maskanah near the city of Homs in Syria. 75 big solar panels have been purchased and will be used to irrigate 400,000 m2 of agricultural land that will produce almonds, grapes, olives and more.


Tur-Abdin: A Journey Home 4.0

Join the more than 50 Arameans from Europe, Australia and elsewhere for a 9-day cultural and spiritual journey to the Tur-Abdin region in Southeast Turkey!


1. Tur-Abdin: A Journey Home 4.0, from 16 – 24 September 2019

Since 2014, the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) (WCA) did no longer organize group trips to Tur-Abdin, because of insecurities in Northeast Syria and Southeast Turkey. In 2011 we were with 98 persons, in 2012 with 120 and in 2013 even with 138 Arameans from all over the world!

Thankfully, the security situation has changed. That’s why WCA and its Member Federations will again provide at least 50 Arameans a unique experience to relive their childhood and bring up memories with fellow people in the place that gave birth to them and/or their (grand)parents.

For 30-40 years, numerous Diaspora Arameans did not return to their homeland. Therefore, WCA will enable them with the lifetime chance to experience a cultural and spiritual journey, including Urfa (Urhoy), Harran, Adiyaman, Diyarbakir (Omid), Midyat, Mor Augin, Mardin and other historical places. For most Arameans who originate from this ancient region, these successful Journeys Home were a super experience that were in no way inferior to a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Jerusalem!

2. Among others, participants may expect from WCA

An ALL-INCLUSIVE 9-day stay at 5-star hotels, flights with Turkish Airlines and local tour buses with Internet. Besides visiting ancient places, monasteries and churches, you will have lots and lots of fun, including an Aramaic party that will be broadcast LIVE on Suryoyo Sat. Download the program here in



  • 16 September: Arrival day! After your meet-and-greet opportunity with other participants at the airport and in the plane, there will be a group dinner at a local restaurant in Urfa. This ancient city is perhaps better known to you as Edessa (Greek) or Urhoy (Aramaic).
  • 17 September: You will visit the ruins of the old University at Harran. The Bible writes that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had their Aramean roots in this town. We will return to Urhoy, where Mor Ephrem (d. 373) spent the last ten years of his life, for a visit to the old Citadel, Abraham's Pool, free time and in the evening we will enjoy the famous Urfa Sıra Gecesi - traditional food, dance and music!
  • 18 September: This will be another unforgettable day! We will visit an exciting place with Aramaic mosaics and inscriptions in Urhoy, the capital of the Aramean kingdom of the Abgar dynasty and of early Aramean Christianity. Later, we will enjoy some free time in the city of Adiyaman, where we will also visit Bishop Mor Gregorius Melke Ürek at his residence.
  • 19 September: We hope you are in good shape! Joined by the bishop, a dolmus (minibus) will take us to the top of the 2,134-metre-high Mount Nemrut. Built by King Antiochus I in 62 BC, this site still has the ruins of a statue of the king and giant heads of stone depicting lions, eagles and gods. After this, we will visit the Bridge of St. John and the famous St. Mary Church in Diyarbakir.
  • 20 September: In the morning, we will have free time to explore Diyarbakir city. After that, we will visit Qelath Mara, the Church of the 40 Martyrs and Dayro du Zafaran (Dayro d-Kurkmo) in and near Mardin. Later, we will go back to Diyarbakir for a fantastic entertainment program, namely the Diyarbakir Sıra Gecesi - traditional food, dance and music!
  • 21 September: After this day, you will never forget the Monasteries of Mor Yaqub in Nisibin and Mor Augin with its breathtaking panoramic view! Next, you will have free time in Mardin city. The evening has a Hago Suryoyo (Aramaic Gala Dinner) with Mardin's local community and the famous singer from Germany, Johannes Kuray. It will be LIVE on Suryoyo Sat, so inform your family and friends!
  • 22 September: There is so much to see in Tur-Abdin, first and foremost the birthplace(s) of your parents. Sadly, we can't visit all the villages. That's why you can choose your own program! You can stay the whole day in Mardin or we drop you off in Midyat, so you can do whatever you like. Or you can join the group to visit the Monasteries of Mor Gabriel (founded in 397 AD), Mor Abrohom in Midyat and Mor Yaqub in Salah, with a lunch in Midyat, and then enjoy 4,5 hours of free time!
  • 23 September: In the same spiritual spirit, we will visit the sixth-century Mor Malke Monastery in the Mount Izlo (Turo d-Izlo) region. After this, you can cool down at the beautiful Maye Hewore for lunch, a swim and kemence dance and music! Later, you will again be entertained and treated with an amazing Mardin Reyhani evening with traditional local food, dance and music!
  • 24 September: Departure day! To put a good end to this trip, which we know you will always fondly remember, all the participants will be shuttled to the local airport of Mardin for the flight to Istanbul Airport. After this journey to your historical home, WCA wishes you a safe flight back to your current home.


3. Departure and Arrivals: 16 and 24 September 2019

On 16 September, you will fly with Turkish Airlines to the new Istanbul Airport and from there you will continue with the group to Urfa.
On 24 September, you will fly back home with Turkish Airlines, again from the new Istanbul Airport.
You are allowed 8 kg hand luggage and can check-in luggage of 30 kg.


4. The Price of this ALL-INCLUSIVE package

European flights ONLY

  • € 1.100 per person
  • € 1.075 per person, for WCA Members of at least €5 per month
  • € 1.025 per person, for WCA Members of at least €10 per month

(Become a WCA Member for discounts and more in just one minute: www.SupportWCA.com.)

WCA Members Discount 190619

If you wish to participate in this unique journey home, call your local contact person (see below) or email the following to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. :

- Copy of your Passport or ID car,
- telephone number, and
- city and country of residence.

Note, however, that

  • participants can register for this Journey Home until Monday 19 August 2019;
  • there are limited seats available, so guarantee your seat ASAP;
  • your registration will be confirmed after your payment has been received (a partial refund is only available in emergency cases!), at WCA’s bank account with the following details:

Name: World Council of Arameans (Syriacs)

Description: Tur-Abdin 4.0

IBAN number: NL 71 RABO 0396 7306 20

BIC number: RABONL2U

Bank: RABOBANK         

Place: Enschede-Haaksbergen, The Netherlands



Abraham Bisseh
tel. +61 416 095 835

Musa Danho
tel. +43 699 1257 8200

Gabriel Gecer
tel. +32 474 619 311

Marauge Aslan
tel. +49 179 757 4586

Shleimun Ego
tel. +46 763 922 121

Tony Ürek
tel. +41 766 159 801

Dikran Isik
+31 651 689 957

If your country is not listed, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

Contact persons 190619

WCA Christmas Week 2021

This year, WCA has introduced the WCA Christmas Week 2021. Joined by WCA's partners, namely its Member Federations and Suryoyo Sat, each year during Christmas WCA and its partners will send Christmas gifts to Arameans in the homeland. This year, more than 500 Aramean children have enjoyed beautiful presents: from Qamishli in Northeast Syria to various towns and villages in the Tur-Abdin region in Southeast Turkey (Arkah, Beth Qustan/Boqusyone, Bsorino, Midin Hah, Deir Qubbe, Kfarze and Midyat). At the same time, WCA has sent personal gifts to the homes of its distinguished members and sponsors. Below are impressions from the WCA Christmas Week 2021.


'Sayfo: The forgotten genocide' documentary by Dutch TV Channel & WCA

The documentary called 'Sayfo: The forgotten genocide' is a joint project by the Evangelical Broadcasting (EO) channel in the Netherlands and the WCA that will soon be broadcast on Channel 2; click here for a Dutch summary. However, before the movie will appear on TV, on 20 April 2015 at 19:00 hours there will be an exclusieve premiere in the Wolff CineStar cinema in Enschede, the Netherlands.

The film essentially portrays the struggle for survival by the Aramean people, from 1915 until 2015, during this centennial year of the Ottoman Genocide against the Armenian, Greek and Aramean populations. Soon more information will be provided about this unique and moving documentary, which will also be broadcast in the near future in English, German, Swedish, French and perhaps other languages too. 

For this project, the WCA received support from its national member Federations, the Aramean satellite channel Suryoyo Sat, the Syriac Aramean Youth Federation (SAUF) and the Syriac/Aramaic Academic Federation (SAAF) from Sweden, and generous Arameans worldwide. 

The WCA, the Suryoye Aramean Federation in the Nederlands and their local member associations in Hengelo, Enschede, Rijssen, Oldenzaal and Amsterdam are now presenting this special preview in the Netherlands. No less than 424 visitors will have the opportunity to attend this historic occasion. For just 10 euro you can - only through presales  - obtain a cinema ticket from our local Aramean associations


The program of 20 April 2015 is as follows:

18:50 hours Entering cinema 
19:10 hours Opening Mr. Johnny Shabo on behalf of the Aramean Federation in the Nederlands
19:15 hours Introduction Mr. Erwin Ilgun, Chairman Aramean Federation in the Nederlands
19:20 hours Speech Mr. Floor Koomen, EO Chief Editor 
19:30 hours Surprise
19:35 hours Sayfo: The forgotten genocide 
20:25 hours Dialogue with the documentary makers Joris Postema and Hans Busstra & Johny Messo, WCA President
20:45 hours End

 Sayfo de vergeten genocide flyer

Preserve your Aramean identity and learn more about it in 7 STEPS

More and more Arameans find it difficult to preserve their Aramean identity. Therefore, WCA's Aramaic Language and Cultural Heritage Department (ALCHD) has initiated projects such as the Tur-Abdin Aramaic Online Conversational Course and the Tur-Abdin Aramaic Language Committee (TALC) that focuses on reassessing existing words and on introducing new ones in this millennia-old Aramaic dialect. There is more to come, but below we are suggesting 7 steps in 9 languages that help to safeguard and empower your (children's) Aramean identity. 

Travel III TVcharts Pagina 3

Traditional Easter Celebration in Southeast Turkey (30 April - 7 May 2013)

Third Annual Traditional Easter Celebration in Southeast Turkey from 30 April till 7 May 2013

NEW - Tur-Abdin Aramaic Online Conversational Course

Do you want to learn or improve your vocabulary and knowledge of Tur-Abdin Aramaic? Then register for our FREE weekly conversational course! Native speakers will assist you if you want to learn how to pronounce certain words or how to express certain phrases in the Aramaic dialect of Tur-Abdin!

Traditional Easter Celebration in Southeast Turkey (11-17 April 2012)

1. Celebrating Traditional Easter Celebration in Tur-Abdin, Southeast Turkey: 11-17 April 2012
After last year's extremely successful journey home, from 19-26 April 2011, the Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA) and its Member Federations again offer 100 Arameans from all over the world a unique experience to relive their childhood and bring up memories with fellow people in the place that gave birth to them and/or their (grand)parents. This year from 11-17 April. 

WCA Solar Energy Project Maskanah - initial report

VIDEO | WCA is delighted to announce a NEW Solar Energy Project in Maskanah near the city of Homs in Syria! 75 big solar panels have been purchased and will be used to irrigate 400,000 m2 of agricultural land that will produce almonds, grapes, olives and more.



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