

“1st International Aramean Young Leadership Training Programme: the Road to the Future” (25 June - 2 July 2011)

P1050640After a successful seminar in Germany this March, the Youth Academy of the Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA) offers the Aramean youth another great possibility to develop their leadership skills. 

This summer, from 25 June to 2 July, the SUA Youth Academy, in cooperation with the Council of Europe’s European Youth Centre in Strasbourg (EYCS), is organising an eight day study session entitled “1st International Aramean Young Leadership Training Programme: The Road to the Future.”

The event gives 25 young Arameans from circa ten different countries in Europe and the Middle East a rare opportunity to be trained by experienced facilitators and prominent leaders in Aramean Leadership, Identity and Civil Engagement. When you have successfully finished the study session, you will be given a certificate by the SUA Youth Academy and the EYCS.
Each topic is spread over two (2) days. With the guidance of the facilitators, you will learn more about Leadership, Identity and Civil Engagement in various forms. The participants will be given ample time and opportunity for questions and interaction. They will also be given the chance to enjoy their week in France and discover Strasbourg city.  For example, on the arrival day there will be a Cocktail party where you can get to know one another and the last day will be closed with a Grill party on the terrace of the EYCS.
P1060209The SUA Youth Academy
The SUA Youth Academy is the arm of the SUA responsible for educating and connecting with the Aramean youth. Its objective is to inform the Aramean youth of the relevance of SUA’s mission and activities. The ultimate goal is to find talented young leaders with the intention of training and guiding them as the next generation of leaders in the local, national and international organizations of the Aramean people worldwide.
Importance of the study session
Our people are a distinct ethnic and religious group, yet we are still not recognized in the homelands. Instead, we have constantly been persecuted, discriminated and driven away from our ancestral lands. These and related factors have affected the Aramean national self-confidence and ability to deal with an uncertain future. SUA has taken command of re-establishing our national pride and fighting for the protection and development of the Aramean people, both in our homeland and the Diaspora. 
In the Diaspora, our youth have been fortunate to experience basic human rights such as equality, freedom of expression, democracy and minority rights which were unthinkable in our homeland. Given that SUA is responsible for globally leading our people, we are obliged to educate and direct our youth in order to translate these values into a direct improvement of the homeland situation. All this can be achieved while optimizing our position in the Diaspora.
SUA must prepare today’s young Arameans for tomorrow’s leadership roles and guarantee new and qualified successors. The SUA Youth Academy will provide our youth with the requisite knowledge and prepare them for major challenges to successfully handle and organize the Aramean Diaspora, and lead an ancient stateless people towards a better and certain future.
P1060273We trust that we have provided you with enough information to participate in the 1st International Aramean Young Leadership Training Programme: The Road to the Future.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon!



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