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Syriac Monastery in Turkey Appeals Proceeding Status (December 2008)

The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the acknowledged voice of the Syriac/Aramean people, informs you that the first appeals proceeding held today on Friday, December 19 2008, in Midyat, Turkey, has once again been postponed.

Breaking News: U.S. House of Representatives Calls upon Turkey to Return Christian Properties


On Tuesday, 13 December 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives sent a powerful message to Turkey by adopting House Resolution 306 with a landslide vote of 43 to 1. This decision calls upon the Government of Turkey to guarantee religious freedom and return stolen properties to its diminishing indigenous Christian populations like the Armenians, Greeks and Arameans (Syriacs).

Syriac Monastery in Turkey Court Proceeding Status (June 2009)

London, UK

In an astonishing verdict, the Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), a recognized NGO at the United Nations that represents the Aramean (Syriac) people worldwide, reports that the court trial held today on Wednesday, June 24 2009, in Midyat, Turkey, has resulted in a lose of the “Forestry Case” by the Saint (Mor) Gabriel Monastery.

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What Do Aramean (Syriac) Christians in Syria Really Want?

The Aramean (Syriac) Christian people in Syria are watching the earth crumble beneath them. Their once safe, traditional and peaceful lives are all but a distant memory, as the 19 month battle for power in Syria reigns unprecedented terror on the Christian community. While the Aramean Christians plead their case to world leaders and others of influence, it appears that new so-called “Christian” groups are being formed and trying to hijack the discourse on Christian rights and beliefs in Syria.

Breaking News: U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee Calls upon Turkey to Return Christian Properties

London, UK

Yesterday, 20 July 2011, the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee sent a powerful message to Turkey by adopting the Berman-Cicilline Amendment, with a vote of 43 to 1, that calls upon the Government of Turkey to guarantee religious freedom and return stolen properties to its diminishing indigenous Christian populations like the Armenians, Greeks and Arameans (Syriacs).

Syriac Universal Alliance’s recommendations adopted by Council of Europe


The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (“Council of Europe”) adopted Resolution 1704 on Wednesday 27 January that calls upon Turkey to seriously address the issue of minority rights. The Syriac Universal Alliance (“SUA”), which represents the Aramean (Syriac) people as an international NGO at the United Nations, engaged extensively with parliamentarians and parliamentary advisors. These efforts resulted in the SUA’s recommendations being accepted by the Council of Europe.


Greek Crisis Means Disaster for Syrian Refugees

NOTE: Every Greek Member of the EU and the Council of Europe, as well as the Greek Foreign Minister and a number of other politicians have received this WCA Press Release. This Monday the WCA will send them an open letter, asking the Greeke state officials and government for specific support and cooperation on the underreported issue of Aramean (Syriac) Christan refugees in need of assistance in Greece.

Alarming anti-Aramean (Syriac) intimidations in Southeast Turkey

  London, UK

The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the recognized United Nations NGO representing the Aramean (Syriac) people worldwide, is becoming increasingly alarmed at the anti Christian and anti-Aramean activities taking place lately in the Tur ‘Abdin region in Southeast-Turkey

New postponement of Syriac monastery case and clear pattern of Turkish delay in court proceedings

  London, UK

The Syriac Universal Alliance (SUA), the recognized United Nations NGO representing the Aramean (Syriac) people worldwide, reports that the court trial held in relation to one of the several Mor Gabriel Monastery trials, on Wednesday, 17 February 2010, in Midyat, Turkey, has once again been postponed.



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