

Back to the Roots – Report Turabdin Youth Trip, 5 - 13 Nov. 2022

Maria Gelen from Germany provides a catchy summary with 40 memorable photos of the exciting trip which 25 Arameans from 7 European countries enjoyed in Turabdin, an ancient Aramean region in Southeast Türkiye, for 9 days in November 2022. Watch this inspiring 1.15 hour documentary about the "BACK TO THE ROOTS TRIP: TUR-ABDIN. Connecting Young Diaspora Arameans to their Homeland," which was organized by WCA, its Youth Academy and Suryoyo Sat. 

Turabdin 1-min

Since the 20th century, the Aramean people have lived in a diaspora across the world. This experience looks different in each country, each region, each generation and, most importantly, each person. While those of the first generation, the parents and the grandparents are the ones who at least were born in Turabdin or have spent some time there, the latest generation has grown up without having seen their homeland – often, never at all.

In November 2022, the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs) organized a trip for 25 young Arameans (18-35 years of age) from Europe whose parents or grandparents are from Turabdin, a once purely Aramean region in Southeast Turkey. Most of the participants have never been to Turabdin before, almost nobody knew their travelling companions. They flew in from Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, and The Netherlands. What they didn’t know was how they would share their impressions, emotions, and experiences for the following week during the exploration of Turabdin.

In the populated villages, the group was warmly welcomed by fellow Arameans. They brought them grapes or offered pomegranates straight off the tree. In each church, local guides or clergy narrated the group about the history of the land they were standing on and the participants had the opportunity to ask questions. In the monasteries, they had the great honour of being welcomed and guided through the area by the dayroye (monks) who told them about the rich history of the saints and the people who contributed to the holy place.

Although one can find international foods and dishes across Europe, the group was constantly surprised by delicious specialities from Turabdin. Klitscha (sweet baked bread) and Chai (tea) were waiting around every corner, and freshly baked bread warmed up the group in every weather condition.

Most significantly, all the participants (except for one) were able to visit the village of their family, something that wasn’t promised before but which became a goal during the week. Some of them even met strangers who turned out to be related to them. It was wonderful to see how the whole group was emotionally touched by somebody’s personal experience in a place.

For a whole week, days were filled with tears of joy and moments of happiness in the incredible villages, churches and monasteries of Turabdin. Nights were filled with traditional music, food and dance. Silence was filled with emotions and conversations were filled with pure gratitude for one another and for our common ground: being Aramean.

And with all certainty, they returned home with a newly found connection to their homeland.

Last, but not least, on behalf of the group I would like to thank the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism for appreciating the Aramean people and their cultural heritage; the local state officials who warmly welcomed us at their office; the security we received and which increased our sense of feeling secure and respected, and the World Council of Arameans (Syriacs), its Youth Academy and Suryoyo Sat for enabling us to experience a lifetime opportunity to visit and reconnect with our ancestral home.

Turabdin 2-min

Turabdin 3-min

Turabdin 4-min

Turabdin 5-min

Turabdin 6-min

Turabdin 7-min

Turabdin 8-min

Turabdin 9-min

Turabdin 10-min

Turabdin 11-min

Turabdin 12-min

Turabdin 13-min

Turabdin 14-min

Turabdin 15-min

Turabdin 16-min

Turabdin 17-min

Turabdin 18-min

Turabdin 19-min

Turabdin 20-min

Turabdin 21-min

Turabdin 22-min

Turabdin 23-min

Turabdin 24-min

Turabdin 25-min

Turabdin 26-min

Turabdin 27-min

Turabdin 28-min

Turabdin 29

Turabdin 30-min

Turabdin 31-min

Turabdin 32-min

Turabdin 33-min

Turabdin 34-min

Turabdin 35-min

Turabdin 36-min

Turabdin 37-min

Turabdin 38-min

Turabdin 39-min

Turabdin 40-min



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