We invite organizations and intellectuals among our people to the Syria Conference 2025: New Opportunity for Unity. This crucial gathering aims to establish a united position on the new Syria. Join us on 25 January 2025 in Gießen, Germany, to collaborate on addressing shared challenges and strengthening our collective representation.
Key Topics:
We also encourage organizations, churches, and experts on Syria or the Middle East among our people to sign up for a 1-minute oral statement to share their vision and strategies for our people in Syria. Due to time constraints, only 30 speakers will be granted the floor. If you wish to speak, please fill out this registration form.
Venue: St. Afrem & St. Theodoros Church, Steinberger Weg 10, 35394 Gießen
Time: 09:30 - 17:00 hours
Fee: €40 (advance payment) or €50 at the door (includes lunch, snacks & drinks)
Advance Payment Details:
To secure your spot and benefit from the reduced fee of €40, please transfer the amount before the registration deadline on 20 January 2025. Use "Conference - [your NAME & LAST NAME]" as the payment description.
Pay via PayPal: www.Paypal.me/wca83 (click here!)
Bank Transfer:
Register by 20 January 2025: www.tinyurl.com/syriaconf (click here!)
This is a vital opportunity for Arameans to unite and shape a shared vision for their ancestral homeland Syria.