The main duties of the WCA Board members include, but are not limited to the following functions and descriptions:
- President is responsible for the proper performance and adherence to the goals and activities of the WCA.
- Vice-President performs the functions as delegated by the President and, in the absence of the President, fulfills the duties of the President.
- Chief Financial Officer ensures that all money due to the WCA is collected and received and that all payments authorized by the WCA Cabinet are made and that it provides the annual budget.
- Secretary is the custodian of all documentation and ensures the decisions of the WCA Cabinet are sufficiently communicated.
- United Nations NGO Director establishes and manages relationships with United Nations Offices, European Union, Council of Europe, related entities and specialized agencies and inter-governmental and non-governmental organizations affiliated or dealing with human rights.
- Public Relations and Media Director establishes and manages networks with all media outlets and advises and directs on the public image of the WCA within the Aramean (Syriac) community and the general public.
- Director of Aramaic Cultural Heritage and Research organizes lectures, seminars, conferences and symposia relating to history, culture, arts, music, language and religion of the Arameans (Syriacs).
The WCA Board consists of the following members:
- Mr. Johny Messo (President): johny.messo [at]
- Mr. Shleimun Ego (Vice-President): shleimun.ego[at]
- Ms. Sarah Bakir (Secretary & UN NGO Director): sarah.bakir [at]
- Mr. Robert Aksan (Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operational Officer): robert.aksan [at]
- Ms. Aramia Sauma (Director Youth Academy): aramia.sauma [at]
1) Director of Aramaic Cultural Heritage and Research
2) Director PR and Media
These two positions are vacant. If you are interested and convinced that you are the right person for this position, please send your personal details and motivation to info [at]