

Request for Appointment on Forthcoming Resolution on Turkey’s 2010 Progress Report


Dear Mrs. Oomen-Ruijten,

On 6 January 2011, I wrote you in relation to your Draft Motion for a Resolution on Turkey’s 2010 Progress Report (“Draft Motion”). The letter offered a humble proposal of three amendments and four new articles by the Syriac Universal Alliance. They all directly pertain to the endangered yet neglected position of the Aramean (Syriac) people in their ancestral homeland in Southeast Turkey.

Whatever the reason, I understand that you did not adopt any of our critical proposals. I humbly request you to reconsider your significant decision in view of the upcoming second (1 February) as well as third consideration of and vote (10 February) on the Draft Motion in the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the amendments put forward by your fellow Members of the European Parliament.

We admire your privileged position to assist Turkey in developing into a democratic society in line with European standards. And we truly hope that, one day in the future, it will benefit all of Turkey’s citizens. However, that joyful day may in fact come too late for the Aramean people and Aramaic cultural heritage in Southeast Turkey who, as is widely acknowledged by concerned experts, are on the verge of extinction.

I understand that the issue of religious freedom in Turkey, a significant topic that certainly merits EU attention, is one of your main concerns. For the Aramean Christians in Muslim Turkey, I can assure you, this is comparatively among the least of their present concerns. We have other, far significant and urgent matters that ought to deserve the full attention of both the Turkish Government and the EU.

Hence, again I deferentially appeal to you in your capacity as the EU Rapporteur on Turkey. For reasons explained in my previous letter, it would be a great opportunity to align your 2010 Resolution on Turkey with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Resolution 1704 which graciously recognizes the hitherto internationally ignored plight of the indigenous Aramean people in Turkey – for a great deal thanks to the efforts of your colleague, the Dutch MP Dr. Pieter Omtzigt of the Christian Democrats.

I would very much appreciate it if the Syriac Universal Alliance can discuss the pressing situation of the Aramean (Syriac) people in Southeast Turkey with you. And if possible, preferably on 2,3 or 4 February.

I thank you kindly in advance for your consideration and look forward to receiving your reply.




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